My Sister's Baby

Congratulations on your pregnancy. It really is the most marvellous time and we are delighted to support you through it

But imagine you were somewhere else with just you and your family around you, giving birth in a village with no back-up or support.

Andrew and John invite you to join them in an initiative called “My Sisters’s Baby” set up to help support the Barbara May Foundation and the Aminata Foundation, organisations which are already providing Free, Safe Healthcare to Mothers and Babies in Tanzania, Ethiopia and Sierra Leone.

For just $200 you can provide safe antenatal care, delivery and postnatal support for one woman who otherwise couldn’t access it.

Please consider supporting this work and by doing so reaching out to make a real difference, to a family who just like you dream of the safe delivery of their baby.

Support the work of “The Barbara May Foundation”

Support the work of “The Aminata Maternal Foundation”


For all appointments and enquiries  02 9473 8747 |

Appointments and enquiries  02 9473 8747

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